About Kids Design Collaborative
Kids Design Collaborative is a non-profit design resource dedicated
to the education and inspiration of future designers. Its activities include:
• DESIGN DOSSIERS® a series of books on design for kids 9+
developed in conjunction with Paintbox Press
• KIDSTHINKDESIGN.ORG, a website that promotes design thinking
and provides a showcase for kids' original projects
• KIDS DESIGN LAB, a school and museum initiative
to connect kids with creative professionals
Kids Think Design is a collaborative effort of professional designers
and creative college students. Meet the Kids Think Design team.
KidsThinkDesign.org has been selected for inclusion
in the American Library Association’s Great Web Sites for Kids.
According to the American Library Association, great sites:
• are appropriate for the intended audience
• have personality and strength of character
• share meaningful and useful content that educates, informs or entertains
Founded in 1876, the American Library Association was created to provide leadership
for the development of library and information services that enhance learning
and ensure access to information for all.
KidsThinkDesign.org was awarded a Parents’ Choice Award recommendation in 2011.
Designed to help parents and caregivers make informed decisions about which new products
are right for their children, the Parents’ Choice Awards is the nation’s oldest nonprofit program
created to recognize quality children’s media. The Parents’ Choice Awards program honors
the best material for children: books, toys, music and storytelling, magazines,
software, videogames, television and websites.

KidsThinkDesign.org is certified by the kidSAFE® Seal Program.
The kidSAFE® Seal Program is an independent certification service and seal program
that reviews and certifies the safety practices of children-friendly websites and applications,
including kid-targeted game sites, virtual worlds, social neworks, PC and mobile apps,
web-connected devices and other similar online and interactive products.
Click on the seal or go to www.kidsafeseal.com for more information.
Kids Design Collaborative
275 Madison Avenue Suite 600 New York, NY 10016
Telephone: 212.878.6610 Fax: 212.202.6157